Commissioner Paparoni raised corruption cases in Venezuela at the Summit for Democracy

Commissioner Paparoni raised corruption cases in Venezuela at the Summit for Democracy

Photo: Centro de Comunicación Nacional


This Thursday the Presidential Commissioner against Terrorism and Organized Crime, Carlos Paparoni, recently conferred the “International Anti-Corruption Champions Award”, gave a speech at the Summit for Democracy where he highlighted the serious corruption problem that exists in Venezuela.

By Centro de Comunicación Nacional

Dec 9, 2021

“Nicolás Maduro’s dictatorship has ended freedom of the press and the creation of Cadivi and other programs have represented billions of dollars in corruption,” Mr. Paparoni said at the opening of his speech at the multilateral forum.

The senior official of the Legitimate Government indicated that over time, Venezuela has served as a territory for the survival of irregular groups and the signing of contracts with a premium by the State.

Furthermore, he indicated that the country is also being used as a center for money laundering, the product of dirty capital, the theft of public funds and the impunity scheme.

For this reason, he asserted that they have decided to fight because corruption does not allow citizens to be the beneficiaries of public goods and services, as they should be.

“The series of irregular and illegal acts that are committed in the dispossession of public funds mean violations of human rights, lower quality of life, fewer hospitals, lower educational quality, the deepening of poverty and inequality, as well as the disappearance of opportunities for all and food insecurity, as happened in the case of the CLAP* program in Venezuela, which meant a loss of billions of dollars,” he pointed out.
*(Food aid program used for political control)

Commissioner Paparoni lamented that Venezuelans have witnessed how the kleptocracy advances to organized crime and clings to the hegemonic systems in power.

On the other hand, he stressed that no country can effectively fight against corruption on its own, for this reason, the Venezuelan delegation invited representatives of Cuba and Nicaragua as an act of solidarity and union against dictatorships that subject these three countries to destruction, abandonment, hunger and misery.

“The fight against corruption around the world must be through the strengthening of international cooperation. The fight against the links between corruption and other forms of crime, the recovery and return of stolen assets, prevention through education, the commitment of young people, and the mobilization of allies from civil society, the academic world and the private sector,” he concluded.

Read More: Centro de Comunicación Nacional – Commissioner Paparoni raised corruption cases in Venezuela at the Summit for Democracy

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